Main Info Hub

  • The convention is cancelled
    We regret to announce the convention is cancelled. We did not receive enough event submissions from GMs. This was after several rounds of appeals, and many direct appeals. We know that the population of Star Fleet Battles players, and people who appreciate other ADB Star Fleet Universe games, is shrinking. We had hoped that we… Read more: The convention is cancelled
  • April 15 Update – Early bird discount extended to April 30, con starts early for Federation & Empire
    Today was supposed to be the last day for Early Bird registration ($50 instead of $80). But because I need a few more weeks for a final push for more events, I will accept Early Bird registrations until Tuesday, April 30th. My goal is to publish the event schedule during the first week of May.… Read more: April 15 Update – Early bird discount extended to April 30, con starts early for Federation & Empire
  • Status Report – March 22, 2024
    Our first Call for Events deadline passed on March 15th. Thank you to the GMs who have responded so far. We have some good games, but we are looking for more. The second Call for Events went out on March 21. Second deadline: April 6th I’ve been organizing gaming cons for a long time; it… Read more: Status Report – March 22, 2024
  • The Goal: A once-in-a-generation gaming event
    Some of us have been playing Star Fleet Universe games for a very long time. We’ve been around long enough to have seen The Good Old Days. Like when ADB was at peak creativity and popularity in the early 1990s, and the SFB tournament at Origins got over 200 players. The Star Fleet Big Bang… Read more: The Goal: A once-in-a-generation gaming event
  • Do you want to be part of the Elite 2%?
    Some folks have asked me: “How many people do you think will attend?” My best answer? I don’t know. I’ll be pretty happy if we get 100. What are the chances we get 100? I don’t know that either. But, let’s work with some easily-accessible data. Love-it-or-Hate-it, Facebook is ubiquitous. One of the very best… Read more: Do you want to be part of the Elite 2%?
  • The Joy of a Single Theme Convention
    Some of you might be thinking, “A gaming convention focused on Star Fleet Universe games, for five days straight?  That’s crazy!” You’re right. It is. I’d like to share a story with you. Back in the 1980s-90s, I was really into the RPG RuneQuest, and the world of Glorantha tied to that rule set.  I… Read more: The Joy of a Single Theme Convention
  • We’re not afraid of Big Events
    We all know that nobody is gonna confuse any game that ADB publishes for a simple Euro game. These games have meat on their bones. They have substance. They take time to play… That is why we are preparing for five full days of gaming goodness at the Star Fleet Big Bang Blowout gaming convention.… Read more: We’re not afraid of Big Events
  • Only ADB games allowed?
    The simple answer is “No”. We are happy to have games other than those published by Amarillo Design Bureau. We already know that Ad Astra Games will be attending, and will be happy to show you the wonders of flying Star Fleet Universe ships in true 3D (the app you can load on your phone… Read more: Only ADB games allowed?
  • Our Last Blowout!
    We announced, way back in June of 2022, that we were going to end the long-running tradition of the Star Fleet Battles Patrol Tournament at our annual convention, Council of Five Nations. So, unless someone else from the SWA community steps up (which seems very unlikely at this point), this is the last big public… Read more: Our Last Blowout!
  • Send Us Your Photos
    You will notice photos of our Star Fleet gaming scattered around this web site. Some of us here at the Schenectady Wargamers Association have been playing for a long time now, and we have the photographic evidence to prove it! The Big Bang Blowout is your event too. Please email us your Star Fleet-related photos,… Read more: Send Us Your Photos
  • A Call to Arms: Star Fleet
    Some folks like their Star Fleet gaming in 3D, with minature ships instead of counters. We hope to have multiple ACTA:SF games at the Big Bang Blowout convention. Local ACTA:SF developer Mark Lurz has already agreed to run several tables. We hope others in the community step up to run some more. Please click the… Read more: A Call to Arms: Star Fleet
  • Federation and Empire
    F&E is a seminal Star Fleet Universe game. And yes, it takes a long time to play. Good thing that the Big Bang Blowout is five whole days of gaming goodness! Joe Stevenson, member of the BBB Brain Trust, has already agreed to GM a Federation & Empire scenario for the convention. We will have… Read more: Federation and Empire
  • Wanted: Base Assault Scenario
    Back in November, there was a post in the Star Fleet Battles group on Facebook, regarding Base Assaults. My comment was I hope somebody steps up to run one at the Big Bang Blowout! Yes, a Base Assault in SFB might be one of the most challenging gaming experiences known to humanity. Maybe only a… Read more: Wanted: Base Assault Scenario
  • Wanted: Multi-Day Campaign Games
    Please remember that the Star Fleet Big Bang Blowout is five days of gaming goodness. That’s a lot of gaming time to fill. ADB has published many multi-game scenarios for Star Fleet Battles, all of which could easily be converted to other SFU games if you wish. We hope that one or more of you… Read more: Wanted: Multi-Day Campaign Games
  • Wanted: Squadron Duel Tournament
    While we expect the Star Fleet Battles Grand Tournament will be the centerpiece event of the convention, there is plenty of room for other tournament-format games as well. We know the SFB community has run some successful Squadron Duel tournaments via SFBOnline. We would love it if someone stepped-up to run such an event at… Read more: Wanted: Squadron Duel Tournament
  • Wanted: Painting Workshop
    Some folks in the SFU community collect and play not just with cardboard counters, but ship miniatures as well. If you want to see some great examples, we suggest the SFU Miniatures Painting and Kitbashing Tips group on Facebook. If one of you skilled ship painters would like to host a painting workshop during the… Read more: Wanted: Painting Workshop
  • SFU Role-Play Games
    We will definitely have some Star Fleet RPGs at the Big Bang Blowout!  Ben Ossenfort has been a “celebrity GM” at our annual convention, Council of Five Nations, for many years now.  Ben has graciously agreed to run some RPG sessions.  We hope some of you will enjoy the chance to partake in some Star… Read more: SFU Role-Play Games
  • Wanted: Star Fleet Marines
    We would love to have someone run a session or two of Star Fleet Marines – ground combat in the Star Fleet Universe! And, what might be even better… How about a dual-scenario, with SFB rules to resolve the ship combat above the planet, and Star Fleet Marines rules to resolve the ground combat. We… Read more: Wanted: Star Fleet Marines
  • History of SFB at the SWA
    The Schenectady Wargamers Association has a long history with Star Fleet Battles, and other games in the Star Fleet Universe. Some of us remember playing a little SFB way back in the late 1970s, when it first came out. I was barely a teenager back then, so I probably didn’t appreciate it as much as… Read more: History of SFB at the SWA
  • Why are we doing this?
    This information was originally distributed to the Star Fleet gaming community on June 28, 2022. Star Fleet Battles at Council 2022 and 2023 (later updated to “Council 2023 and 2024”) Hello Star Fleet Battles fans worldwide, I’d like to update you on a discussion we had at Council of Five Nations back in September 2019,… Read more: Why are we doing this?

The convention is cancelled