The following announcement was distributed on September 3, 2023.


Hello SFB and SFU Community,

We have made several mentions here about the last SFB event that the Schenectady Wargamers Association will sponsor, in 2024.

We are happy to announce that we have reached a major milestone.
We recently signed a contract with an Albany, NY hotel and have locked-in a date.

July 17-21, 2024

Five days of SFB / SFU gaming goodness!

Please save this date on your calendar, put in for the time off work, and start saving for your travel costs. Our goal is to give you a generationally-great Star Fleet gaming experience.

We are focusing right now on SFB at Council in three weeks (Sept 22-24 if you’d like to join us). But watch this space for future announcements.

Convention Registration & Costs
Call for Game Masters & Volunteers – get free entry
Discounted Early Registration
Call for Star Fleet Battles Scenarios
Federation & Empire
One tournament or two? Patrol and/or Captains
Expedition to the Star Trek set recreation in Ticonderoga, NY
Other good stuff

We hope to see you in three weeks at Council, and we really hope to see you next July at the Big Bang SFB Blowout!

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